Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Goodbye Doll Doll

As I prepare for bed, I say goodbye to my Grandmother now, who left this Earth earlier today for a far better place, where she can be with my Grandfather (after nearly a thirty year seperation). She was the one member of my family that loved me unconditionally. No matter how many times I screwed up - and it was a lot back in my younger days - she was there for me. I'll miss you Doll Doll, but I know you are in a much greater place than here. Goodbye Doll Doll. I'll love you forever. Rest in Peace. And say hello to Pa Pa for me.


At 10:01 PM, Blogger Juniper Abbie said...

I'm so sorry to hear about that...I'm heartbroken. She was a fabulous woman.


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