Thursday, February 02, 2006

Newly Discovered Blog !!

There is a fun Blog I just ran into. It's called Drew's Blog-O-Rama and is repleat with pop-culture/film/TV references + some really funny comic strips (at least I think so), created by the Blogmeister himself, over at Here is his latest (just in time for the Oscar noms), that I hope he doesn't mind me reprinting here. But seriously, head on over to his Blog and take a look at a lot more fun stuff.

In fact, I've decided that each and every week I'm going to promote another Website and/or Blog that I think deserves the recognition. Okay, I suppose I'm giving props to two sites, but they both come from the same fountain source of recognition (what the Hell did that even mean!?). Anyway, this week - to reiterate - is Drew's Blog-O-Rama. Enjoy ya bastards!!


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