Sunday, January 08, 2006

Brokeback Backlash ???

Sure, those of us in more enlightened circles may look at Brokeback Mountain as just another love story (and an incredibly emotional one at that), not as that "Gay cowboy thing" that most have been calling it. Larry David (creator of Seinfeld and the inspiration for George Castanza, as well as creator and star of HBO's Curb Your Enthusiasm) has boldly stated that he refuses to see Brokeback because he "doesn't want to become gay by osmosis". We all expected backlash from the right and I also expected a certain "ick" reaction from middle America, but now we are getting these reactions from a supposedly liberal voice like David's. Although it is the frontrunner in the Oscar Race (and don't forget that Sideways held the same position last year at this time and eventually lost all but a screenplay Oscar) and has been getting great reviews (it's ranked at 87 out of 100 on Metacritic right now), but all that was from the liberal sensibilities of critics and cinephiles from New York, LA and San Francisco - now the film goes wide and begins its run in places like Peoria, Topeka, Little Rock and Harrisburg Pa (my unfortunate hometown - although we do have a gay friendly art cinema at least). I don't mention Salt Lake City since - at the last moment - Utah Jazz owner Larry Miller pulled the film from his Megaplex at Jordan Commons in Sandy, a suburb of Salt Lake City. No comment has been forthcoming (read the story here). Will middle America - a vast group capable of voting George W. Bush into office - twice (sort of) - welcome this film, or will they decry it as an abomination of nature, as they do with things such as Gay marriage and equal rights? I recently was listening to the radio (on a trip back from the center of the universe - aka New York City) and heard the deejay, while introducing Crocodile Rock, say how much he loved Elton John's music, but is sickened by the fact that he can now get married (as he did on December 23rd). You know, if this had been some remark against an African American celebrity - some derogatory comment against race - this deejay would have lost his job (and rightfully so I believe), but since it was "just" an anti-gay thing...well, that's okay - and this is the mentality of middle America. I just hope the film survives its wide release - it full well deserves to be seen.


At 12:16 PM, Blogger Timothy Patrick Hinkle said...

I'm pretty sure Larry David's comments are meant as satire:

I just know if I saw that movie, the voice inside my head that delights in torturing me would have a field day. "You like those cowboys, don't you? They're kind of cute. Go ahead, admit it, they're cute. You can't fool me, gay man. Go ahead, stop fighting it. You're gay! You're gay!"

At 6:26 PM, Blogger Kevyn Knox said...

Yeah, I do relize that David's comments were meant as a joke, but that is part of my point. We can joke about Gays but if someone joked about someone of colour that would be seen as wrong - as it should, but jokes with Gays as the brunt should be seen as wrong too. Yeah I love people like Lenny Bruce, Redd Foxx, Richard Pryor, Denis Leary and Sarah Silverman - and I love their "taboo" jokes, but it just seemed different in this context. Maybe it's not, but that is how I see it - plus the whole thing with Larry Miller banning the film was the main thesis here.

At 4:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Homos....the last great whooping boy! Let's whoop that boy until they pass some laws that say we cannot. The humor related to brokeback is hilarious. David Lettermans Top ten signs your a gay cowboy included: "Native Americans call you Dances with Men". Hilarious. Notice he did not say Indians. The irony of all of it is overwhelming!

At 3:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's just taken you guys a little longer to get with the race thing. Plus, race is what you look like. Gay is different, because it has to do with whom you are sexually attracted to. That's kind of a private thing, isn't it? I mean I don't go around telling people that I like men. Blacks are discriminated against as soon as people SEE them. So are men and so are women. Being gay is how you feel on the inside - not what you look like on the outside by birth, like with racism or sexism. I'm sorry, but it's just not the same. However, it sure is getting there!!

I think if I were openly gay at work (people don't know my orientation, because it is irrelevant to getting my work done, isn't it?)I would probably get a raise.

If anyone says they didn't like Brokeback Mountain, they "hate gays" and are evil.

The number one population that is teased more than any other is the HETEROSEXUAL, WHITE, CHRISTIAN MALE. Anyone can tease them and talk hatefully about them. You do it, don't you?

So no more playing the victim. It has certainly worked though.


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